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Three Vital Chiropractic Tips To Help Prevent Back Pain While You Work From Home.

Virtually everyone experiences back pain at some point in life, but there are certain methods to handle and treat pain to avoid distress and discomfort especially when you work from home. In the last few years, companies are going digital and millions of people have opted to work from home.

The global pandemic has made more people consider working from home. Numerous benefits are attached to working from home, but one of its disadvantages is the risk of postural problems and back pain. Chiropractic adjustments can keep your spine aligned while improving nerve function to help keep you out of pain.

Below are some essential tips to help you relieve back pain and correct postures while you work at home:

1- Consider The RICE Method:

The RICE method is an effective self-care treatment for people who suffer soft-touch injuries like sprain or strain while they work at home. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. The method can help you relieve pain and discomfort while you work at home. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Rest – As soon as you feel hurt, it is best to immediately stop your activities, and have enough rest. The pain you feel in your body is a sign that something is wrong.  Once you’ve been injured, continuing an activity can worsen the injury and pain.
  • Ice –Ice is a tried-and-true tool for reducing pain and swelling. Apply an ice pack covered with a light, absorbent towel to help prevent frostbite for 15-20 minutes every two to three hours during the first 24 to 48 hours after your injury.
  • Compression –This means wrapping the injured area to prevent swelling. Wrapping the affected area with an elastic medical bandage can reduce and prevent swelling.
  • Elevation –   This is a process of raising the sore body part above the level of your heart to reduce pain, throbbing, and swelling. For example, if you have an ankle sprain, you can prop your leg up on pillows while sitting on the sofa.

2- Daily Stretching Routine:

Stretching is one of the most effective ways to relieve back pain if you’re consistent with your stretching routine. is a great way to get the blood flowing to loosen up your muscles. When the muscles in your thighs and back are tight, it triggers back pain.

Here are three effective stretches that reduce back pain and keep the body healthy:

  • Knee-to-chest stretch: This involves lying on your back on the floor with your legs extended. Lift and bend your right leg, bringing the knee toward your chest. Grasp your knee or shin with your right hand, and pull your leg as far as it will comfortably go.
    Remain in the knee-to-chest position while tightening your abdominal muscles and pressing your spine into the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Return slowly to your starting position. Do the same with your left leg and do the same with both legs at once. Repeat the sequence 5 times.
  • On all fours — back flexion and extension: Begin on your hands and knees on the floor. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders with your arms straight. Rock forward, putting your weight onto your arms. Round your shoulders, and let your seat drop a little. Hold for 5 seconds. Rock backward, sitting your buttocks as close to your heels as possible. Keep your arms extended straight ahead. Hold for 5 seconds. Return slowly to your starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  • Standing back arch: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put the palms of your hands on your lower back. Take a few slow, deep breaths to relax. Bend your upper body backward, keeping your knees straight. Support your back with your hands. Hold for 5 seconds. Return slowly to your starting position. Repeat 5 times.

 3- Good Sitting Posture Prevents Back Pain:

Adopting the correct sitting position is essential for maintaining good posture and a healthy back and spine. Sitting with a straight back and shoulders will not only improve a person’s physical health but can make them feel more confident.

You should be at a comfortable viewing height each time you view your screen, or review documents, While working from home, you may not have the same setup as in the office, but all it takes is a stack of books or paper to get your screen up to eye level.

And the same goes for reading documents, if you keep your papers flat on the table, your head will constantly be moving up and down. Try a vertical document holder or stand and keep it next to your screen for easy viewing. People who have to sit for extended periods at a desk because of their work at home are advised to sit properly, take frequent breaks, switch sitting positions often, and take brief walks around the home to successfully achieve and maintain a healthy posture and back.

Experiencing back pain or other aches?  Worry less…our professional and certified team of Bluetreeclinic chiropractors are ever ready to help you.

Call us now on +971 4 348 8262