Dr. Babak Ansari

Dr. Babak Ansari


Dr. Babak Ansari

Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Babak Ansari

Meet Dr. Babak Ansari

With over 20 years of experience working in both Europe and Asia. Dr. Babak Ansari is our team expert in orthopedic surgery at Blue Tree Clinics.

Dr. Ansari offers both orthopedic expertise and international credentials.

The orthopaedic department is managed  by Dr. Babak Ansari. He is a German Orthopaedic  Specialist and Surgeon who also specialized in Sports Medicine and Pain Management. He has over  19 years work experience in orthopaedics. His most current work was a Consultant in Orthopaedics and Orthopaedics Surgery in the renowned Gronemeyer  Clinic and Institute for 5 years, Bochum and Essen, Germany. His part work experience also encompasses the Orthopaedic Department of the Alfried- Krupp- Hospital for 4 years in Essen, German, Orthopaedic University Hospital  for 3 years in Bochum, Germany and Orthopaedic University Hospital Anna Shift for one year in Hannover, Germany.

Dr. Ansari’s orthopedic surgery experience is extensive and encompasses a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions including:

  • Regenerative orthopedic, Orthokine, autologue conditioned serum
  • Spine and back pain (CT guided treatment of disc diseases, disc herniation, joint arthritis)
  • Knee Surgery (arthroscopy, joint replacement, treatment of cartilage, meniscus, and ligaments)
  • Hip and Knee Replacement and Revision Surgery
  • Foot and Ankle Surgery (cartilage injuries, impingement, bunion, deformities, arthritis, etc.)
  • Muscle and tendon treatment (Injuries and Inflammations)
  • Sports Medicine
  • Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis (Metabolic Bone Disorders)

Professional Education and Training

Dr. Ansari grew up in various cities around Germany and moved to the UAE in 2011. He attended college in Cologne, Germany, before moving on to the University for Medicine in Bochum and Essen, Germany.
His medical residencies as an orthopedic surgeon include the following hospitals:

  • The Center for Arthroscopic Hand and Foot Surgery, Cologne (1997)
  • Annastift Hospital, Hannover (1998)
  • The Orthopedic University Hospital, Bochum (1998-2001)
  • Alfried-Krupp Hospital, Essen (2001 -2005)

Dr. Ansari further expanded his skills as an orthopedic surgeon while practising in:

  • Orthopedic Hospital Annastift, Hannover, Germany
  • The Orthopedic University Hospital, Bochum, Germany
  • Specialty Department for Knee Surgery, MHB, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
  • The Department for Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, Alfried-Krupp Hospital, Essen, Germany
  • The Department for Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, and Pain Center, Groenemeyer Institute, Bochum and Essen, Germany